Thursday, December 01, 2005

Vaster than empires and more slow...

Steven Saylor writes books about Rome. I have them all. I don't usually read historical fiction, but I'm addicted.

My son walks in my room and asks: "dang, dad! how MANY books has Steven Saylor written?"

It is in the little moments that I steal at work when I look past my book and see the hills beyond that I remember that the greatest moments of this world just might not have come before me. No dust of Caesar's now remains--no memory of Gordianus, who might well have lived... and my children's grandchildren will not know my name... and still I will have left my footprint somewhere, left there to be found by sharp eyes.

All this, and it's fun reading, too.

Do good, and do well.

1 comment:

melinama said...

Welcome back! I've missed you.