Monday, December 19, 2005

Que Pasa Cuando Crecen?

I give up!

I'm not trying any more.

I realize this is a hard process and that I myself had a terrible time going through it. I realize their mother and I have made this even harder with our problems. I know that both our families are not what one might expect on a stamp commemorating Norman Rockwell.

But I don't like it.

It just hurts too much.

They can call me when they're done.

Growing up just sucks.


melinama said...

Sorry, doesn't work that way! Take a deep breath and try again the next day...

Msabcmom said...

OW - that hurts. I feel your pain. Don't give up...

Mamacita (The REAL one) said...

I'm sorry. Is there anything I can do?

Miguel said...

thanks for the support... i'm sure i'll live... i just hope they do...