Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Let Me Be Frank...

Para cambiar, seré honesto. Me inspiró la honestidad de los lectores de Mirko (see link to the right), y por eso he aquí la dura y sucia verdad:

1. primera vez…..?
. 19 con mi mujer… después, 26 con un chamaco.
. Preguntenme la historia: me gusta contarla.
2. alguna mujer?
. La primera, y hasta ahora, la única.
3. días de la ultima vez…?
. Este fin de semana.
4. que preferís? activo o pasivo?
. Activo
5. mucha previa…. o poca?
. Todo en moderacion.
6. posición favorita?
. De lado, o el sentado sobre mi, frente a frente.
7. oral o anal?
. anal
8. cuantos te bancas en una noche?
. Duración depende, cantidad límite hasta ahora es 5.
9. clásico o innovador?
. Clásico.
10. beso negro?
. Claro—dependiendo de detalles que dejare a la imaginación.
11. q entre sola…. o ayudas?…
. De las dos.
12. dulce y romántico, o hard y ordinario?
. Romántico, aunque duro, dulce, u ordinario.
13. juguetitos sexuales?…
. Nunca lo he hecho… pero mas de una vez vaciamos el refrigerador.
. I’m a big fan of condensed milk.
14. luz prendida o apagada?
. Apagada, pero no en la oscuridad—tal vez velas?
15. lugar mas “raro” “osado” “intranquilo”
. Afuera, en las montañas, viendo la ciudad, sobre una roca
16. trío?
. LOL… lo mas, fuimos 8. :-)
. Los detalles no son publicados, pero no me da pena contar en plática.
17. de día o de noche?
. Cuando caiga.
18. con medias o sin medias?
. Como Dios me trajo al mundo.
19. hasta ahora…. “el amor de tu vida”?
. No le digan, pero se llama Ricardo.
20. preferís chupar? o que te la chupen?
. Que me la chupen.
21. fácil… o accesible?
. lol... accesible. (?)
22. rubios o morochos?
. Todos los gatos en la oscuridad…
. Suelo decir que no discrimino por color: hay mejores motivos.
23. lubricante o babita?
. “Babita”? LOL!!! Ok… babita.
24. dps de….. dormir juntitos abrazados… o….”bed and no breakfast”)
. Me encanta dormir bien enpiernado: antes, entremedio, y después.
25. mejor lugar para ser besado?
. Jardines Botánicos de Huntington Library en Pasadena.
26. alguna vez activo?
. Solo activo.
27. intentas una vez y si no entra, insistís? o desistís?
. Insisto.
28. gritas?….
. No, pero no me quejo si tu lo haces.
29. acabas y?.. me importa un pedo si terminaste o… te hago terminar ¿?
. El chiste es terminar los dos.
30. te va lo prohibido?…
. Hasta cierto punto.
31. acabas y? salís corriendo al baño, te quedas y disfrutas del momento?
. No solo el momento… buen rato… tal vez hasta se repita antes de ir al baño.
32. te jode estar todo chanchito en la cama o salís a limpiarte.?
. Habrá que limpiarse antes de dormir, pero para mientras, no hay apuro.
33. coger o hacer el amor…?
. Hacer el amor, por fuerte, energético, atrevido, o apasionado.
34. te gusta besar?
. Si me gusta, me encanta—y por horas.
. Si no, ni un poquito.
. Depende de con quien.
35. te gusta disfrazarte?
. No. (see 18 above)
36. alguna fantasía?
. Tal vez un poco aburrido, pero no; sugiéranme alguna y las considerare.
37. q miras primero en un hombre?
. La sonrisa. Maldita magia capaz de calmar tormentas y quemar montañas.
38. avanzas o dejas que te avancen?
. Tiene que ser mutuo. Muestro interés y respondo cuando interés es demostrado.
39. me darias de nuevo? A Mirko? Cuando quiera… :-)
40. te gustaria q te de?….

Y tú, ¿Quién eres?

So, copying other people around here, I went somewhere and had my brains scrambled.

When they that do the scrambling were done, what fell out of my head looked like the pile above.

Anyone care to translate what this means in realistic terms and plain old english?


Sunday, August 26, 2007

Fort Bragg

So my friend was coming to see a play (Same Time, Next Year). Perhaps you remember the movie with Alan Alda and Ellen Burstyn. To be honest, it makes me uncomfortable. I don't know why the idea of unfaithfulness makes me so uncomfortable. It bothers me. The whole movie, i'm fidgetting and scratching; the whole play, I was doing the same.

So, my friend's going to the play. She invited me. I'm sure you understand that watching the play being performed for the first time where the movie was filmed was too good an idea to pass up. Plus, I was getting a little sick and tired of the dulldrum of everyday life. So, Friday at 9:00pm, I got in my car and started driving. It was a hot night in the valley (San Fernando Valley), but going over the hill, the air cooled significantly. There was a breeze. There were a million other people coming with me, but they all had the sense of moving faster than a turtle, so it was ok--I don't mind the traffic, I mind driving slowly.

The air got warmer just as we reached the bottom of the hill. However, that's when the smell of cow crap started, and it didn't end till I was about to turn to cut across from the I-5 to the I-101 so I could head up to San Francisco. Now, under normal circumstances, I'd have gone up on the I-5 to the I-580, cut across Oakland and right into San Francisco--but there was this sign saying the bridge would be closed. Once I finally made it around (not quite twice the distance, but a bit out of the way anyways) I found another sign that said the bridge would be closed on Labor Day weekend. Nice. Thanks!

Now, that was far enough, as far as I was concerned, but I was going further, and I wanted to see the sun rise over the lovely beaches I had seen on Mamacita's blog (see link to the right). So I drove on--all night, even--till I got to where I was going. The picture above I took only this morning. I had no energy left for blogging yesterday, after the insane drive a three-hour nap and rushing over to the play.

The air is insanely clean here. I feel like sticking my nose in my exhaust pipe so I don't get addicted. And despite the beauty, friendliness of the people here, and all that jazz, I'll be heading back to civilization soon enough. Sitting at Starbucks now, an island of familiarity in this otherwise pristine ocean of white faces, I am reminded how much I love glass, concrete, pavement and steel, the noise of traffic and two in the morning, the whirring of machinery constantly at attention, awaiting our every wish. I am a environmentalist in the sense that I'd be well-served to see nature in only the briefest of visits, leave it unmarked and undisturbed, and round up most humans into their own reservations, to be let out only short periods and only after extensive training in the matter. I realize, however, that there are rights you might think you have to live in this nature--not realizing perhaps that your presence there is detrimental to the very nature you seek to join.

Be that as it may, I am here now, and nobody seems to be leaving, so I will leave. I've been here enough. It's not that I didn't like it--it's just that I'm done with it. I wonder what heaven looks like. I wonder if I'll get this bored of it this quickly.

Turns out I still haven't found what I'm looking for...