Monday, September 05, 2005

A Sound of Thunder

I just got back from the movies.

I read a lot, and one of my favorite writers is Ray Bradbury. I have a copy of The Martian Chronicles autographed by him twice--twenty years apart. When I gave it to him to sign the second time, he said: "but i've already signed this!" and laughed when he saw the date.

Still, I had never read "A Sound of Thunder" until my little friend, mamacita, put it on her blog, for which I greatly thank her. Honestly, though, I was not very impressed. It was too short and not well developed. It lacked the subtlety to which he had gotten me accustomed. Still, his stories do awaken in me a sense of wonder, and my imagination does (from time to time) surpass what burton, spielberg or lucas can put on film.

I was disappointed. What a waste of Ben Kingsley! His character was so devoid of depth or significance--a shame indeed. None of the characters was worth mentioning. The special effects were weak, though I like the "alternative evolution" monsters they came up with. Of course, you can get those for free on the discovery channel or the national geographic channel, or the science fiction channel, or a myriad more worthy movies.

So, then, in short: thanks, mamacita, for pointing me here. I always love expanding my limited horizons. However, this is definitely a renter. I'd watch it right after Jurassic Park (the first one), though definitely before Frankenfish (don't ask).

I'll probably just end up pissing Warner Brothers off by buying a fake copy from the guy at Tacos Mexico--again, don't ask.

Other than that, I had a wonderful, restful, weekend.

Plus I met Carlos--which is another story altogether.

More, God Willing, to come.


Great Pretender 11 said...

Hola, Miguel.

Me alegro de ver un nuevo post en tu blog. Me hace muy bien leerte.

Muchas gracias.



melinama said...

Yes, write more.

Karlos said...

Cierto de desapareces por largos periodos :-s